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Project Development - The EGGtraordinary

Writer's picture: Alex NeoAlex Neo

Updated: Feb 19, 2022

Now, its Project Development time, where every group will be making a working chemical product.

What is our product?

Our group, decide to make a Half-Boiled Egg Cooker. In coffee shops, half-boiled eggs are served either cracked open for us already, cooked however uncracked, or hot water with the raw egg inside, whichever way it is served, the eggs are most of the time are not cooked to the optimal cook, either raw, just nice or overcooked. This Half-boiled Egg Cooker's purpose is to tackle that problem and cook half-boiled eggs perfectly every time. This Half-boiled Egg Cooker then can be used in coffee shops to cook eggs in a large quantity. In our prototype, we would show how the product functions in its downsize form and would use a light object to demonstrate the motion and function of our Half-boiled Egg Cooker.

Our Chemical Product: Half-Boiled Egg Cooker

So, how this product works is that at any given point of time when the temperature is not detecting a high enough temperature, the basket holding the egg will remain at its top position. As the temperature sensor is placed into the hot water that is below the basket, the basket would drop into the hot water to allow the egg to be cooked. After around 6-7 mins which would be the optimal cooking time for a half-boiled egg, the basket holding the egg would be lifted out of the water to stop the cooking process. As the cooking time of the egg is fixed, every egg that is cooked using this Half-Boiled Egg Cooker would be cooked the same and perfectly. Every motion here is automated by an Arduino program.

So after the design of the Half-boiled Egg Cooker was sketched, rough BOM was made and the expected input which is the sensing of the temperature of the hot water, and output which is the clockwise and anti-clockwise motion of the DC motor of the Half-boiled Egg Cooker would, we planned ahead what is the task would be done in order to make the Half-boiled Egg Cooker a reality.

Planning Stage of our Project Development

Below are the task and activities that would be carried out carefully planned out in the Gannt Chart and the amount of time required for us realistically to carry out the task and activities. As shown, our group didn't follow the planned timeline and ended up, there were certain weeks where the piled-up work was rushed on the week.

Gannt Chart

Next, we allocate each different job that each member must fulfill in order to build our Half-boiled Egg Cooker into reality, each task given is realistic and can be done after our group fully agreed on the task.

Alex: - CAD modeling of the frame, box, attachments

- Frame construction

- Gathering materials, components

Iman: - Temperature sensor coding

- Test run for combined code

Emily: - 3D printing of attachments

- DC motor coding

Syufyan: - Laser-cutting of box

Everyone: - Product assembly

Next, with reference to our drawings, we created our BOM (Bill of Material) which materials are going to be used for the building of our Half-boiled Egg Cooker.

Original BOM

During the process of making our Half-boiled Egg Cooker, we ran into problems that weren't foreseen and as such, our design changed and there were additional new parts that had to be purchased, and certain items such as the PVC pipe with the T and Elbow Joint are specified. Here is our finalized BOM.

Finalized BOM

As said previously that our design had changed 2 times from the original design from TRIZ, here are the 3 different designs made from the TRIZ to our Final Half-boiled Egg Cooker design.

1st Design Sketch (TRIZ)

2nd Design Sketch

3rd Design Sketch (Final)

Design and Build Process


The dimensions of the frame weren't done in the sketch, however, we decided on the dimensions as I drew the 3D model of the frame for our Half-boiled Egg Cooker. This was when we were using the 2nd Design as our frame.

The Parametric Drawings defined

2nd Design in Fusion 360

(Dimensions shown in my individual contribution part)

With the 2nd Design used, I proceed to cut my PVC parts with the specifications drawn in my Fusion 360.

Shots of the cutting and part of the frame building.

Alex which is me cutting the PVC pipe in an unsafe manner. Don't mind the hazard.

However, due to the 2nd design frame being too tall, during our testing phase, we were using too much long wires. As a result, there was power loss in voltage and the motor couldn't rotate. The frame had to be redesigned, without any cutting, was re-piece together and the Final Design was put into use.

Final Design in Fusion 360

(Dimensions shown in my individual contribution part)


Next, I design the box for laser cutting and I use parametric drawing to make my design easily changeable so that if there is an issue with the dimension, the box can be changed accordingly. I made test pieces to test the notches if they would fit only the slots for it so that the box would be able to interlock and be held together by its own friction without the use of adhesive. Details of the dimensions are shown in my individual contribution part. I had Syufyan cut out the box for me.

Test Pieces

The Parametric Drawings defined

Sketch of the box ((Dimensions shown in my individual contribution part)

Piecing of the Box together

Box in Fusion 360

However, after cutting the first box, we realized that the box was too small to contain our Arduino and the entire circuit, so with the use of parametric drawing, my dimensions of the box were made bigger in no time and were able to laser cut the box quickly in no time.

Left: First Box Right: Second Box (Bigger)


The spool is made for the purpose to allow the motor to rotate and wind the basket up attached by strings up, to convert a rotary motion to a linear motion. The DC motor adapter is made for the purpose to allow the motor to be connected to the frame which is made of the PVC pipe held together by T and Elbow Joints. I designed both attachments and dimensions of the Fusion 360 are shown in my individual contribution part. These two attachments I had Emily print out on my behalf of me due to me being infected by COVID-19.

Spool and DC Motor Adapter in Fusion 360

1st and 2nd run of Spool (With and Without TREE support)

Spool and DC Motor Adapter


For this part, the DC Motor with H-bridge code was done by Emily, while the Temperature Sensor code was done by Emily. I will not go into detail about the codes as it was very complicated and I much rather have Iman and Emily the experts to explain their codes in their individual blogs. Basically in short terms what the code is supposed to do is to when the temperature sensor is not sensing the water at high temperature, the basket would stay at the top position. As the sensor detects a high temperature, the motor will rotate and drop the basket downwards. After a certain amount of time, the H-bridge will make the DC motor change direction and the DC motor will rotate in opposite direction to bring up the basket. The codes and details of the program would be the link


Power banks are used to power both the Arduino Controller and the H-Bridge

Two Power Bank strapped together

Switches are used to turn on when the power supply of the power banks are used to activate the Arduino Controller and the H-Bridge


Modified Cables are made from existing cables that have a USB port, so that they can be used with the switches to allow when to turn on when the power supply of the power banks are used to activate the Arduino Controller and the H-Bridge

Modified Cables shown attached with Switch, Power Bank, Arduino Controller and the H-Bridge

H-Bridge is the essential component that allows the DC Motor to change polarity, which means it is able to be controlled to rotate Clockwise or Anti-Clockwise.



Combining all the different components together was extremely tough for us, as tough as climbing Mount Everest. We encountered many problems both physically and digitally. All the problems are shown and explained, and the solution to tackle the problem is in the latter part of this blog.

Completed DC Motor Adapter with DC Motor

Completed DC Motor Adapter with DC Motor and Spool attached

Completed Circuit

Completed DC Motor with H-bridge code with Temperature Sensor code

Completed Frame with Attachments

Completed Circuit inside the Box



Individual Blog of Task Allocation

With the design and build process shown, here is the individual blog of my group members of their task assigned, so that they can explain in full detail their part.

Iman - Temperature Sensor code and Combining all the code

Emily - DC Motor code and 3D Printing

Syufyan - Laser Cutting

My Individual Blog of Task Allocation

The 3D model of the Final Design was using the 3D model of the 2nd Design. As such the 3D model of the Final Design was a drag and drop of the different components similar to how the real-life PVC pipes and joints can be reattached to different shapes. Here I will state the specification of each of the components. All measurements taken and used are using a measuring tape or vernier caliper.


Specifications: 20x15 mm

Two outer lines are tangent with the two overlapping circles so that the width of the motor can be made to 20mm. Another two lines that cut through each of the centers of the circles are drawn so that two smaller lines can be drawn so that it would form the shape of the motor.

Next, the motor is extruded by 25mm which is the length of the motor

Next, a line is drawn to the tangent to one of the circles, when then another line is drawn measuring 7.5mm and it is 10mm apart from the first line in order to find the center of the motor which then the circle can be drawn at 2mm diameter, which is the side of the motor shaft.

Finally, the 2mm diameter is extruded to 8mm which is the length of the motor shaft.

Motor finished


The outer lining of the Spool is a dimension at 40mm with the inner section of the spool being 5mm in radius smaller. There is an even small circle at the center which the size is taken reference with the motor shaft.

Next, the inner section of the spool is extruded by 30mm, without extruding the outer lining and the small circle at the center.

Next, the outer lining is extruded out by 5mm.

At the face of the inner circle, another outer lining circle is made at 40mm

Then this outer lining circle is also extruded by 5mm.

Using one of the extruded outer lining circles as a reference, a line is drawn at 20mm, which is the radius of the spool, next a circle is drawn at 3mm with spacing with the line drawn by 15mm, which is half the length of the width of the spool.

Lastly, the circle that was just made is extruded all the way through the spool.

Spool Finished


Using the parametric drawing, a circle is drawn using the dimension 'PipeInner' defined at 25.4mm with a rectangle free hand-drawn without measurement with taking to respect that the rectangle has to be bigger than the motor itself.

Next, it extrudes two ways at 10mm and 20mm respectively.

DC Motor Adapter FInished

PVC Pipe

2 circles are drawn at 31,75mm and 25.4mm using parametric drawing PipeInner and PipeOuter respectively.

Next, the area between the two circles is extruded at 80mm and 20mm on both sides.

PVC Pipe Finished.

Elbow Joint

A circle is made using ConnectOuter which is 38.1mm and a purple circle is drawn with reference to the DC Motor Adapter.

An extrude is made by 10mm

Revolve is used to make a 90-degree bend.

An extrude is made by 10mm at the end made by the revolve.

PVC Pipe Completed

T Joint

Two circles were made using ConnectInner and ConnectOuter which are 31.75mm and 38.1mm respectively.

The space between the 2 circles is extruded by 10mm.

The same 2 circles are made but it is perpendicular to the first 2 circles made before.

The second set of 2 circles is extruded on both sides by 10mm and 48.1mm respectively.

For the first set of 2 circles, it is now extruded by 19mm

Using the smaller circle of the second set of 2 circles. it is extruded cut the excess pieces by 40mm.

T Joint Completed

With all the pieces made, I went ahead and replicate the pieces according to and piece them together to form the Final design.

1 x Spool

1 x DC Motor

1 x DC Motor Adapter

6 x PVC Pipe

2 x Elbow Joint

2 x T Joint

Frame (Final Design Completed)

Embedded Frame (Final Design Completed)

Spool and DC Motor Attachment (Final Design Completed)

Embedded Spool and DC Motor Attachment (Final Design Completed)

The Box

I design this box in such as way that dimensions can be easily changed using parametric drawing. This was relevant as I had to increase the size of my box, Hence, here I will show each individual sketch with its parametric drawing defined name of the Final Box dimension.

Parametric Defined

P3Length : 200mm

P3Width : 94mm

AcrylicThickness : 3mm

NotchLengthInner : 19.775mm

NotchLengthOuter : 20mm

Spacing1 : 15mm

( ( P2Width - 20 mm ) / 2 mm ) * 1 mm : 37mm

P1Length : 200mm

P1Width : 150mm

AcrylicThickness : 3mm

NotchLengthInner : 19.775mm

Spacing1 : 15mm

P3Length : 200mm

P3Width : 94mm

AcrylicThickness : 3mm

NotchLengthInner : 19.775mm

NotchLengthOuter : 20mm

Spacing1 : 15mm

( ( P2Width - 20 mm ) / 2 mm ) * 1 mm : 37mm

With a 5mm circle fixed which the center of the circle is at the center of the NotchLengthInner separated by 10mm

P1Length : 200mm

P1Width : 150mm

AcrylicThickness : 3mm

NotchLengthInner : 19.775mm

Spacing1 : 15mm

SwitchLength : 28mm

SwitchWidth : 18mm

PiecesSpacing : 10mm

P2Length : 144mm

P2Width : 94mm

AcrylicThickness : 3mm

NotchLengthOuter : 20mm

Spacing2 : 12mm

( ( P2Width - 20 mm ) / 2 mm ) * 1 mm : 37mm

This part is cut twice out for the box while the rest are cut once each.

All the pieces are separated by PiecesSpacing : 10mm in order to save material for use in case Syufyan had to re-laser cut again.

Box (Final Design Completed)

Embedded Box (Final Design Completed)

After all the modeling is done, the Frame is cut into the specification as designed in Fusion 360. the Box after testing was done, Syufyan can Laser Cut the Box out and Emily can 3D Print the Attachments which are the Spool and DC Motor Adapter.

Now I merge all the components together in Fusion 360 to show our final product

Half-Boiled Egg Cooker (Final Design Completed)

Embedded Half-Boiled Egg Cooker (Final Design Completed)

Half-Boiled Egg Cooker (Final Design Completed) [Video of it Working]

Half-Boiled Egg Cooker (Final Design Completed) [Physical Form]

Problems Faced and Solutions

Length of wires too long due to taking into account of the size of the Frame at 2nd Design which causes a drop in power in terms of voltage and unable to rotate the motor

- The solution to this problem is the redesign of the Frame which became the Final Design shown which allows the wires to be greatly shortened and thus we have enough power to rotate the motor

The motor was out of control due to the code sensitivity, power output, rpm, the timing was not calibrated right

- The solution was Fine-tuning the Arduino coding and we took many hours to find the perfect rpm, timing an output so that the motor wouldn't spin out of control

Motor Out of Control Aftermath

Motor In Control Testing Phase

We wanted a way to be able to have a kill reset button for both the Arduino board and H-Bridge instead of having to unplug the power bank every time to reset it.

- The solution to that problem was to attach two switches to the cables attaching the Arduino board and H-Bridge to the power supply for easy access as they act as reset buttons.

Downloadable Files:

All the files of 3D modeling, Arduino codes, BOM, Gannt Chart are located in this goog drive link.

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